2012年11月8日 星期四

Rodial dragons blood sculpting gel包包面也可以緊緻有彈性

血竭塑顏啫喱 為你緊緻輪廓 重拾肌膚細緻 ... 胖胖 面也是胖胖,不過只要懂得針對保養,包包面的皮膚也可以是緊緻有彈性的!,me 比較小心選用產品,抗老保養又不能鬆懈,就用上 Rodial dragons blood sculpting gel 新品為皮膚溫和地抗老。

 An innovative anti-aging gel which helps to define facial contours and plump sagging skin. Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Gel works by forming a unique second-skin film around the face which effectively protects, reduces redness and firms for a smoother, plumper and more youthful-looking complexion.

- Dragon’s Blood contains phytotherapeutic actives that protect against free radical damage and stimulate cell regeneration. Anti-inflammatory properties soothe and repair skin and reduce redness.
- Collageneer is a patented active ingredient that effectively increases the synthesis of collagen, ensuring skin appears tighter, firmer and more wrinkle-free by promoting the production of high-quality collagen.

- Volufiline™ increases fatty deposits within the skin to provide a fuller, plumper, line-free appearance.
 - Commipheroline is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant properties. A more line-free appearance is created through a plumping action by modulating two key mechanisms that activate lipogenesis.
How to use: Gently massage onto a cleansed face and neck morning and evening, allowing gel to absorb thoroughly.
I applied the dragon’s healing cream on it, and all over my face. And went to sleep.
The next morning, my face felt tight, with almost a numb feel, which is similar to what I get after performing electrotherapy using one of my home beauty devices.
And there was no redness on the squeezed blackheads from last night.
I slept only 7 hours last night – I’m the kind who needs 9 to feel satiated and alive – but my skin feels firm to the touch and well-rested.

And Lady Gaga is purportedly a fan of this product. 連 Lady Gaga 都是忠實用家

我用過15分鐘後肌膚即時回覆水潤飽滿,展現年輕緊緻的 V 臉小顏

  要跟歲月催人定律抗衡,就要做好防衛。女士們畢生也追求青春、無瑕、光滑細緻的肌膚,以去皺去紋而聞名的英國殿堂級品牌Rodial,一直致力研製速效而 安全塑顏護膚產品,廣受荷李活名人歡迎。最新推出革命性產品Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel血竭塑顏啫喱,相信是肌膚對抗歲月的最佳防衛。

Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel血竭塑顏啫喱推出之後,備受名人愛戴以及推祟,認為血竭塑顏啫喱為注射玻尿酸的最佳天然代替。血竭塑顏啫喱令你不用注射玻尿酸,不用進行手術,也可 以達到同樣的效果 – 減少皺紋,填補面部凹陷,令面部輪廓更清晰,為女士預防衰老不可缺少的恩物。
 選用在亞馬遜雨林中最廣泛使用的植物」 Sangre de drago」血竭,能有效為肌膚注入飽滿,令肌膚不再鬆弛,
重塑面部輪廓。塑顏啫喱的成分血竭(Dragon's Blood)更能有效的預防衰老,因塑顏啫喱塗上後會形成了一層緊貼肌膚的薄膜,能有效地保護、減褪泛紅以及緊緻肌膚,令肌膚看來更細緻、飽滿以及年輕!

血竭(Dragon's Blood) 取材致亞馬遜雨林中最廣泛使用的植物」,而血竭能在肌膚上形成了一層緊貼的薄膜,保護肌膚對抗環境侵害,具消炎功效。
脂肪填充術(非入侵性)專利配方VOLUFILINE™ 刺激脂肪細胞增生,增加脂肪組織中脂肪細胞的體積,改善肌膚鬆弛。



