2012年11月8日 星期四

MISSHA Time Revolution VS SK-II Facial Treatment Essence 魔幻水

  一瓶搞定8大美肌功效? Missha魔幻水銷量突破百萬!

 醋除了可以入饌、調味, 亦有美容護膚功效,MISSHA 的皇牌產品魔幻水就是加入酵母萃取成分,聽說有「韓版神仙水」的美譽,一支集8大修護功效,包括:



 What should ME said, I think if you used SK-II must try this, then U will feel almost same effects, the function can remove the dead cell, like a peeling lotion. 
Remember don't use you hand put directly put on your face, because if you go to SK-II counter, the sales will told you using like a serum, but this's NOT serum, this treatment is are PEELING LOTION. Or Use before Paper face^^
      PLZ use the cotton pad rise off.但如果你直接用手跟住呢,,就有小小發熱的感覺,,不過好快就冇左,,,同埋真係有水潤的感覺, 所以敏感 skin一定 +Cotton pad上臉

 兩者的質地也是透明的水狀,帶有淡淡的香味香味感覺天然,唔似化學成份所製 +Cotton pad上臉, 好快吸收曬!
男士的我也有搽上手, 同樣地好水、好易吸收~

暫時用了一星期, 早晚使用,一星期2晚也會配合面膜紙當作加強用效的MASK (Only Oily Skin , Acne problem)

Rodial dragons blood sculpting gel包包面也可以緊緻有彈性

血竭塑顏啫喱 為你緊緻輪廓 重拾肌膚細緻 ... 胖胖 面也是胖胖,不過只要懂得針對保養,包包面的皮膚也可以是緊緻有彈性的!,me 比較小心選用產品,抗老保養又不能鬆懈,就用上 Rodial dragons blood sculpting gel 新品為皮膚溫和地抗老。

 An innovative anti-aging gel which helps to define facial contours and plump sagging skin. Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Gel works by forming a unique second-skin film around the face which effectively protects, reduces redness and firms for a smoother, plumper and more youthful-looking complexion.

- Dragon’s Blood contains phytotherapeutic actives that protect against free radical damage and stimulate cell regeneration. Anti-inflammatory properties soothe and repair skin and reduce redness.
- Collageneer is a patented active ingredient that effectively increases the synthesis of collagen, ensuring skin appears tighter, firmer and more wrinkle-free by promoting the production of high-quality collagen.

- Volufiline™ increases fatty deposits within the skin to provide a fuller, plumper, line-free appearance.
 - Commipheroline is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant properties. A more line-free appearance is created through a plumping action by modulating two key mechanisms that activate lipogenesis.
How to use: Gently massage onto a cleansed face and neck morning and evening, allowing gel to absorb thoroughly.
I applied the dragon’s healing cream on it, and all over my face. And went to sleep.
The next morning, my face felt tight, with almost a numb feel, which is similar to what I get after performing electrotherapy using one of my home beauty devices.
And there was no redness on the squeezed blackheads from last night.
I slept only 7 hours last night – I’m the kind who needs 9 to feel satiated and alive – but my skin feels firm to the touch and well-rested.

And Lady Gaga is purportedly a fan of this product. 連 Lady Gaga 都是忠實用家

我用過15分鐘後肌膚即時回覆水潤飽滿,展現年輕緊緻的 V 臉小顏

  要跟歲月催人定律抗衡,就要做好防衛。女士們畢生也追求青春、無瑕、光滑細緻的肌膚,以去皺去紋而聞名的英國殿堂級品牌Rodial,一直致力研製速效而 安全塑顏護膚產品,廣受荷李活名人歡迎。最新推出革命性產品Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel血竭塑顏啫喱,相信是肌膚對抗歲月的最佳防衛。

Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel血竭塑顏啫喱推出之後,備受名人愛戴以及推祟,認為血竭塑顏啫喱為注射玻尿酸的最佳天然代替。血竭塑顏啫喱令你不用注射玻尿酸,不用進行手術,也可 以達到同樣的效果 – 減少皺紋,填補面部凹陷,令面部輪廓更清晰,為女士預防衰老不可缺少的恩物。
 選用在亞馬遜雨林中最廣泛使用的植物」 Sangre de drago」血竭,能有效為肌膚注入飽滿,令肌膚不再鬆弛,
重塑面部輪廓。塑顏啫喱的成分血竭(Dragon's Blood)更能有效的預防衰老,因塑顏啫喱塗上後會形成了一層緊貼肌膚的薄膜,能有效地保護、減褪泛紅以及緊緻肌膚,令肌膚看來更細緻、飽滿以及年輕!

血竭(Dragon's Blood) 取材致亞馬遜雨林中最廣泛使用的植物」,而血竭能在肌膚上形成了一層緊貼的薄膜,保護肌膚對抗環境侵害,具消炎功效。
脂肪填充術(非入侵性)專利配方VOLUFILINE™ 刺激脂肪細胞增生,增加脂肪組織中脂肪細胞的體積,改善肌膚鬆弛。



HABA 限量卵肌潔面(Shell Membrane Facial Foam)

HABA 冬季推出的限量潔面,看管子應該叫卵殼膜潔面更貼切吧……與去年的蜂蜜潔面一樣是50g的袖珍容量,不過HABA的潔面用量一貫極省,用上2.3個月沒問題,小小一支也適合外出攜帶。
  1.  含有蛋穀膜粉末(源自雞蛋殼內的一層」)的潔面泡沫,具有高保濕功效,更能治療疤痕。
  2.  淡淡的雲呢拿氣味,帶來怡人的使用感覺。
  3.  用後肌膚滋潤柔滑,猶如剝殼雞蛋。
  4.  成份包括蛋殼膜粉末(更生活膚、保濕)、鯊烯精華、維他命E水解川穀籽油(保濕)
 不過說實話這支潔面的味道跟香草絕對沒有關係,跟HABA常態鯊烷潔面一樣微微的澀味,很多氨基酸類潔面似乎都是這個調調,不難聞而已, but not bad。質地也是一樣的白色膏體
   使用過程中的感受跟常態潔面非常像,一點點用量加一點點水就可以揉出綿密有韌性的泡泡,在皮膚與手指間形成一層緩衝帶,手指可以自如的在皮膚 上滑動按摩完全不會拉扯到。沖洗也輕鬆,洗後沒有膜感,毛孔清透,觸感光滑。比起常態來新限量的保濕度更好,如果常態洗後的感覺是清爽,那麼這根卵肌潔面 更偏重水潤,更適合干皮四季以及混皮冬季使用

2012年11月7日 星期三

RODIALGlamtox Cleanser (A-list Cleanser) 卸妝


因為以前一直用卸妝油,一下換成卸妝乳霜覺得不習慣,總覺得會拉扯皮膚,所以用量比較大,基本上都是按三四泵,100ML的價錢不高, 但其實用2泵已經很滿意
 Rodial's Glamtox is one of these high-powered cleansers, containing almond, jojoba and wheatgerm oils, waterlily, plus (unspecified) amino acids and Vitamin C that are apparently able to lighten hyperpigmentation. I don't have any hyperpigmentation to speak of, but I do like a nice clean face and a luxurious cleansing experience, so I was pleased to be able to test this one out.
 Removal is easy, as the balm emulsifies off very well with water. After removal, the skin feels very soft, very smooth and definitely "cared for". I don't know if the active ingredients are at work or if it's just the combination of oil and massage, but I definitely feel that this cleanser does something to improve my skin's condition each time I use it.

 Glamtox Cleanser (previously sold as A-List Cleanser) is available from Rodial online atblingblingsf

明星级Rodial BB Venom Skin Tint-Hollywood's BB cream

Hollywood's makeup artists have turned to BB cream for a fresh-faced look.

Available in three skintones, there's also a shade for most people (light, medium and dark) and shades that cover you from season to season.

This is #3 St. Barts

I 'm using this for about two weeks now and keep reaching for it day in, day out as something I know will perform. It doesn't go patchy or run off my face at the end of the day, just needs a little touching up with a dab of powder. Not Grayish 
Love this so much that I've managed to nab three of these to give away to you lot so you can put it to the test too. Not only that, but the lovely people will also chuck in a fabulous tube of BB Venom Eye too so you can look ultra fabulous.

Rodial, the go-to beauty brand of celebrities such as Lady Gaga & Angelina Jolie  , have just launched their new Rodial BB Venom Skin Tint US$44 blingblingsf, Rodial which comes in three shades, rather fabulously named Capri, Hamptons and St Barts.
 The BB venom skin tint even made an appearance at the closing ceremony of the Olympics this summer when the Spice Girls' make-up artists used it - the result being that the girls looked like they hadn't aged a day since they taught the world how to Spice up their lives more than 10 years ago.

My make-up looks perfect from morning to night. Unlike some BB Creams, because of the matte finish and longevity I think it would work just fine on oily skin types and therefore would recommend it to just about anyone!
If you havn't already tried using a BB cream underneath your foundation - start doing it now! It acts as an amazing base for your make-up and I have found its helped prevent my skin getting as dry when wearing foundation every day.

Like :99.99%, affordable, smooth , like a makeup base.
Repurchases: Yes, is so good 

2012年11月5日 星期一

Nature Republic Snail Therapy 80 Ampoule

Snail Extract or Barbaria Snail Extract, from Nature Republic. Listed as the 2nd top seller in Nature Republic, it was tempting to try this product out but it took a bit of apprehension and evaluation of karma before buying this bottle. I was thinking, "Did these snails die for me?" and straight away it led to me thinking about my childhood days, seeing how my friends stepped on the snails and squished their lives away. The second thought that quickly came to mind was, "Does it really work?".
 After a phase of snake (Sy-nake) venom in Korean beauty products... snails, a lot less fierce and a lot more beneficial to skin, has taken over Korea by storm. Well, for most of the snail products that you can find in Korea at this moment, the numbers that you see represents the percentage or content (mg) of snail extract in the bottle. For example, this Ampoule contains 80 percent snail extract. It's pretty potent and the effects are wonderful.

Snail extract is perfect for acne prone skin, brightening, lifting, anti-aging and intense hydration. 
Use after Booster and Toner. It comes with a dropper dispenser, to make sure that no drop is wasted!
As you would expect, the texture of the Ampoule is a little bit sticky at first glance,  is thicker than most serums. After application there is absolutely nothing sticky about the texture and the after feeling. I loved how it melted into my skin! Just like most serums out there, skin feels plump, hydrated and smooth after application.
Snail products are touted as having regenerative and revitalizing qualities. For me, this ampoule was moisturizing and I did see a little fading of my older acne scars, which was a similar effect from the Snail Therapy 70 Cream, but nothing spectacular, especially for newer/fresher scars. I quite like the hydration effect as my skin feels plump and well-hydrated when I’m using this, without being too rich or oily.

Like: Fast absorb, affordable, well-Hydrated 

Repurchases: Yes

2012年11月2日 星期五


新登場! 新登場!

今個秋天非常乾燥! 保濕品一定唔少得!
仲要係新鮮派台 ENPRANI SUPER AQUA CAPTURE 速效鎖水保濕系列 《升級版》第3SUPER AQUA系列 終於在今年9月隆重上市啦!!!!
大家之前有冇用過ENPRANI 的產品呢?

來自韓國的ENPRANI是Samsung韓國三星集團2000年首次亮相, 品牌以創造韓國一流化妝品為目標,結合法國的產品設計、日本的概念以及美國的推廣參與,打造了全球知名品牌。透過為女性肌膚重返20歲而付出的努力、世界一流的產品品質和奢華但不顯張揚的設計,令ENPRANI至今深受消費者的青睞。

ENPRANI有多個不同系列,包括:皇牌Retino x8Youthcell ActivatorHydro YouthCleansing Super Aqua x2WhiteCellAC-POREPranielALL THAT SUN系列等。

 今次要介紹分享的是最新第3SUPER AQUA系列,蘊含比一般水分含氧量高出10之南極冰河水及北極冰山水,保水力特強,而且南極冰河水蘊含離子化形態的鈣、鎂、鋅、鉀、鈉等豐富的礦物質能迅速被人體吸收,更含海醣蛋白成分,使肌膚光滑滋潤。

保濕技術更提升3重並互相配合:以Aqua Capture Complex先為肌膚補充水分,滲透力非常迅速,再結合進一步提升的3重水分加鎖技術Aqua Lock EXTM有效鎖緊水分,提高水分鎖緊力,再加上能發揮水分傳遞通道作用的Aquaporin,提升肌膚內水分循環力,令肌膚得到完美速效鎖水保濕效果

先和大家介紹SUPER AQUA CAPTURE Serum速效鎖水保濕精華

使用方法:於乳液後用or Booster之後,由上而下及內而外塗抹全面至頸部位置,輕拍至吸收。但如果你是非常缺水的肌膚問題,那麼你應該洗臉使用最好的果^^best result effective :but if you are very dehydrated skin problem, then you should use after face wash


透明GEL狀質地,, 一推就好似一層薄薄既水狀保護著皮膚, 好水潤,一點都沒有油笠笠的感覺,非常清爽, 好快被皮膚吸受!用左個幾星期, 保濕度高, 無敏感,皮膚很快回覆光澤。

This is sample come with serum ^^

使用方法:塗完皮膚所需booster精華素 toner 後,取適量,輕輕拍打直至完全吸收。Or you can use this cream only^^.  Best recommend for very dehydrated skin, because i hate cream stuff I dont like all oil type cream, because I'm sensitive skin,  but this very hydrating non-greasy , fast absorbed, must try. Use after booster, toner^^

 質感輕柔亦不膩,增強了鎖水及循環作用,速效提升肌膚水分密度,令肌膚持久滋潤。與第二代面霜相比,保濕效果提升了56% 。


輕輕一推後,乳霜像似溶化為水狀!變成水狀的「乳霜」非常容易推開,塗勻後的皮膚變得十分水潤而有光澤。亦很快速便被皮膚吸收,一點也不覺得油笠。補水能力非常好, 皮膚紋理都變得細緻,觸感更柔滑,粗大的毛孔也覺得即時收細

 ENPRANI銷售地點:736 Broadway St., San Francisco, CA94133
 ENPRANI Facebook: Bling Bling Group

Thank you