2014年7月29日 星期二

Herre 2011

From south France, hot climate,
expect not high acidity. Appearznce 
Clear, pale in lemon to gold. 
Noss:Clean, medium+, tropical Fruits 
melon, lemon, green apple. Palate:
Dry, medium-, no tannin, medium
finish. Strong lemon & melon. All over 
is good

2014年7月25日 星期五

Jenu skincare system

👍Jenu System 的好處😍
👍可放在包包內.          📺大牌雜誌推📺名模明星用📺💨💨效果🚨快過做手術🚨  http://on.aol.com/video/get-youthful-eyes-and-lips-with-jenu-active-youth-skincare-system-517718458          #放包包 #vogue #bazaar #elle #明星 #名模 #jenu #skincare #system #不動手術
Useful, easy carry to go, I started using the Jenu wand with the eye cream and I am noticing my sun spots around my eyes are diminishing, my skin is hydrated and I can see a reduction in the swelling/puffiness around my lower eyelids. I treat my eyes every night while watching TV, two minutes per eye which is referred to as the advanced treatment. This device is very user friendly.
    The active-youth lip treatment is simply delightful. My lips are juicy, hydrated, plump and lipstick ready. I love the results so much I treat my lips multiple times a day.

I am beyond thrilled with this product - it really works! At my last facial appointment my esthetician told me my skin was really dehydrated, that I should think about a series of expensive laser treatments and sent me home with a tiny bottle of a miracle cream that cost as much as a pair of shoes. After months, hundreds of dollars, gallons of water and a couple of those tiny bottles my crows feet were just as bad as ever. I'd been curious about the Jenu device but was skeptical as I'd already been spending a lot of money on facials and eye cream so I was SO happy to see the live demonstration on BlingBling. Not only did I get to see the Jenu device in action but the price was thousands less than what I'd be spending on lasers and PAINLESS. I'ver been using the device and the included serums religiously for only a couple of weeks and already the crows feet are noticeably not as noticeable, the skin around my eyes and mouth is hydrated without drinking tons of water and even my lip

2014年7月16日 星期三



薄酒萊(Beaujolais),法語發音〔boh-zhu-LAY〕,台灣直接音譯為"薄酒萊",該酒來自法國勃根第地區南邊的BEAUJOLAIS 區,因為這一區的葡萄酒以單寧低、果味明顯、好入口著稱,因此中文翻成薄酒萊可謂詞意貼切,是杯薄酒來著。


而薄酒萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau),NOUVEAU,法語是"新的"或是"新製的",發音為〔nuvo〕,指的則是法國薄酒萊區以當年新採的葡萄所剛釀好的酒;這一點為什麼特別呢?因為一般葡萄酒(紅酒、白酒皆然)均需要經過一段時間的釀造,才能上市,而薄酒萊(Beaujolais)則是在法國少數被公認適合早點飲用的葡萄酒。


法國BEAUJOLAIS 區種植的葡萄品種以「嘉美」(Gamay)種葡萄為大宗,產量占9成以上,Gamay葡萄的特色是單寧低(紅酒中澀味的來源)、果味重、皮薄汁多,因此使用Gamay葡萄釀的薄酒萊(Beaujolais)皆有幾點共通的特色:








(四)不耐存:這是由於低單寧造成的,一般葡萄酒常標榜年份,且沒有標示適飲日期,但是薄酒萊新酒就不同,因為釀造時不同於一般葡萄酒,所以薄酒萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)最佳飲用日期大多在上市後1到2個月內,並非「越陳越香」,也因此並不是一年四季皆能買到薄酒萊,產量有限、保存期有限,賣完就只能再等明年11月的薄酒萊季節了。




Cooling Mask, good on summer

冰膜,最強殺手鐧,曬!後!修!复!防止長曬斑,敷完後臉上形成一層隱形防曬牆[強​​][色]親愛的們,昨天開始大部分城市溫度已經逼近40℃了,你們出去一趟是不是臉像火燒一樣? 😡 是不是又紅又燙? 😡 帶上口罩也擋不住那火辣辣的🔥 大太陽是不是☀ ☀ 現在趕緊選擇天使冰膜吧❗️它能給肌膚迅速降溫,不防止曬傷,保濕美白還控油,最主要就是冰冰涼😍要的來💅💅
Very silky mask , is ver stay in your face, like a second skin, this very nice for summer cooling down after "SUN" hydrant, huge serum, not oily, whitening  

2014年7月14日 星期一

處理毛躁小碎發救星! Uteda棒狀定型髮蠟,get your little stay together

#好用小物推薦# 束髮後斜劉海不聽話,或者有毛躁小碎發的困擾,小小一個定型髮蠟即可解決。小編推薦Uteda棒狀定型髮蠟,在碎發上塗抹一下,即可輕鬆固定劉海和碎發,造型持久。味道清香,啞光不會讓頭髮變得油膩。細軟和粗硬髮質分別適用粉色和綠色款。
sticky all fizzy hair together...  Easy using, just open it , wrap it in your baby hair, then all the hair stay together , lets than 1 mins

Payot Masque Prifiant , like Vacuum Cleaner 吸塵機


2014年7月12日 星期六

Acne gone, spot out 痘立消--Payot overnight treatment

Acne gone, spot out 痘立消 , this products over 100 year, so many people use it. Kill acne fast, without sting, no pain ,no scare, no redness. excellent acne  product , must hv , good for SOS      more info