2012年12月29日 星期六

Rodial - Glamoxy Snake Serum Pen蛇毒精華液滾輪【女人我最大】20111201擁有這件,一秒變達人


  Rodial - Glamoxy Snake Serum Pen     蛇毒精華液滾輪  6ml

I am always hoping that I can find things that will really make a difference in my skin somehow, and mostly effects are subtle and/or cumulative.......... This stuff is amazing. I used it on my naso labial lines, lip lines and corners of my mouth and there was an instant sensation I can't quite describe, and all of the areas were plumped and lifted immediately.
This serum has 2x the amount of special natural source muscle freezing Botox repacement stuff, and it works like crazy! If you are avoiding Botox or Juvederm like I am and want a daily fix^^

  • gwyneth paltrow

  • Average Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0
  • 100% would buy again
  • Package Quality: 5.0 out of 5.0
  • Price: $$$$ out of $$$$$


Woman     Woman's Day  Gente

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2012年12月18日 星期二

美麗任務:Charmzone New Control Cream嬋真口碑不錯,新調理霜據說是他家的拳頭產品哦~!!!

This's Charmzone Must Have products.  

生了黑頭你怎麼辦?用手擠?用針清?用鼻膜撕?用清黑頭器吸?既疼又傷皮膚,毛孔只會越來越大,受到刺激還會分泌更多油脂!現在好了,有了嬋真新調理霜Charmzone New Control Cream清除黑頭輕鬆不留痕,溫和而又體貼的呵護
 控制肌膚內油分和水分的平衡含有CYTOKINES 成分的營養按摩膏,強化肌膚油,水分調節能力,保持肌膚健康。




1. 通過徹底的毛孔管理,調節油分(皮脂)的生成和分泌,細緻毛孔,防止痘痘,粉刺等肌膚問題的產生。 2. 誘導皮膚自己產生天然保濕因子(NMF) 生成,使肌膚長時間水潤透明,充滿活力。 3. 維持皮膚內最佳的油、水分平衡。 4. 精華素成分供給毛孔豐富的營養成分,充分滋潤皮膚。 



 1.Using Cleanser clean up first


5.正當你耐心用​​盡時,怎麼還沒有東東出來? 繼續揉,突然出現了由量變到質變的突破~~一下子就揉出一堆一粒粒軟軟的半透明的大大陀的東西,我第一次用時以為是調理霜結晶了,第二次用我才發現是角質~~而且這一坨坨的東西里麵包著全都是黑黑的東西~~這就是毛孔裡的髒東西!太有成就感了,越揉越開心啊~後來還是怕太久對皮膚不好。就揉了半小時~~


7.洗完發現毛孔真的很乾淨(因為我毛孔巨大的,所以看得很清楚)。然後有個別毛孔上有個黑黑的小頭。 我就用眉鉗把它們鉗出來了=0=我果然好惡趣味

剛剛用過, 我的皮膚應該屬於混合型的。就是T區出油,但是到了秋冬季又特別的干那種,前兩天朋友特地打電話跟我介紹說這個很好用​​,因為她也是試過很多產品了,最近發現這款去黑頭很有效的產品。所以迫不及待來跟我分享她的喜悅。剛回來試了下,我的一邊臉上總長小粉刺於是在等了幾分鐘揉搓的時候那邊就紮紮的很多東西應該是角質什麼的都出來了吧去黑頭嘛OK明顯總體來說不錯現在臉上滑的很呢~~我是感覺要比去角質去黑頭的面膜有效的多最重要的是好便宜,活動價買的恩希望能幫到你哈哈~祝我們大家的皮膚都好好~ ~~睡覺去

低刺激Products texture Pore Care Price

2012年12月13日 星期四

ChloejaniceLO的平民皇后美麗分享: 英國殿堂級品牌Rodial Glamtox Night

ChloejaniceLO的平民皇后美麗分享: 英國殿堂級品牌Rodial Glamtox Night: Facial on the Go....GLAMTOX Kit - 3 iconic anti_ageing Glamtox products to help rejuvenate skin 全新基本護膚3步曲 Rodial Say: Glamtox ni...

英國殿堂級品牌Rodial Glamtox Night

Facial on the Go....GLAMTOX Kit - 3 iconic anti_ageing Glamtox products to help rejuvenate skin


Rodial Say:
Glamtox night contains a gentle retinol which works to re-surface, thicken and plump the skin whilst reducing pore size. The skin will gain an energized and radiant glow come morning. glamtox night also works to strip away hyperpigmentation creating a light and bright skin tone.

Glamtox night is clinically proven to reduce the appearence of crows feet and deep set wrinkles, whilst norishing the surface of the skin. glamtox night is your 'must have' night treatment!

The product and packaging screams luxury, splendor, elite in my opinnion and actually reminds me a little of La Prairie which I have loved using in the past.Rodial recommend you use this for at least 8 weeks to see and feel the full benefits, so I will check back again in a few weeks to share with you my final thoughts.
But "Me" only use 1 time i can feel my pore small than before a lots, can keep the result kind of 7days
The treatment that claims to plump, fade hyperpigmentation, reduce pore size and thicken the skin over night.
94% of testers noticed a reduction in hyperpigmentation, 73% of testers noted a reduction in pore size, 53% experienced an increase of collagen in the skin, 14% found wrinkle depth decreased in only four weeks and 64 % of testers found crows feet dramatically reduced.

 Anyway, the serum itself is a pleasure to use, it's a yellow gel that smells light and fruity and is quickly absorbed by the skin.

最近愛用的-- Rodial GLAMTOX CLEANING BALM瞬效無痕亮膚潔膚乳


Because hv gift set, is very good deal, after "Me" use i so love the cleaning balm is good for dry & sensitive skin, and winter time.That formula can melts away make-up"Good", and Almond, Jojoba & wheatgerm Oils nourish the skin while Amino Acids.  Vitamin C & Water Lily extract help to improve the appearance of uneven skin tone. " SoGood I love all Vitamin C products is help my skin bright"
 我本來覺得洗臉產品這麼貴US$59-100ml, but after U try U will know, is good... 哇! 柔滑的質感, 味道我不會形容, 算是舒服的味道, 味道+質感, 我又淪陷了!愛上了這種油膏+精油香味的清潔產品.
官網上的資料: 內容物包括荷花跟石榴, 可溫和溶化清除彩妝, 淡化皮膚暗沉,....獨特膏狀質地, 遇到皮膚後轉化為乳狀, 可以用水輕鬆清除乾淨......擠出來是略帶黃色的膏狀, 質地比eve lom柔軟一些.
 使用起來, 就跟官網上的形容一樣, 真空瓶按壓一到兩下在臉上輕輕按摩一下, 再用水清洗, 一下子就覺得很乾淨, 臉上皮膚覺得柔潤舒服, 用這款洗一次, 就完成我的卸妝清潔步驟了.
 Winter time in USA 季節跟膚況, 用Rodial的潔膚乳剛剛好. 之前就是覺得用了很舒服

The jar is Glamtox night is best items by Rodail, theat is good for all skin type, "ME" use at night , next morning still feel my skin smooth, even tone & zero Pore ^^. hahah
Rodail Glamtox is gel and gentle retinol microspheres & Vitamin C.